
Posts Tagged ‘humor’

Lately, we have had some really bad luck.  Here are some examples of some of the things that have happened lately.  We all had the flu.  Mr. Right had a kidney infection.  I had some complications from the flu and a sinus infection that have dragged on for over 3 weeks.  A black cat crossed the street in front of us and then literally 10 seconds later we were almost in a wreck. 

Black Cat

The other night we sent the children to brush their teeth and get ready for bed.  They left the water running as they were changing clothes.  Mr. Right told them to go turn it off.  Not only was the water running but for some reason that will only make sense in the mind of 4 year old twins, they put toilet paper in the sink and stopped it up.  The water overflowed into the drawers and cabinets and onto the floor.  Thankfully, there were lots of towels in the cabinet and it did absorb most of the water. 

We went to film something with our video camera the other day.  We set it up outside on the tripod and the wind immediately knocked it over on the concrete driveway.  It quit working.  I literally broke the camera as soon as I got in front of it.  Well, I was able to get it to work again finally but it was a HUGE pain. 

So, Mr. Right and I are thinking it is time to change our luck.  I’m thinking we need to sit in a germ free, rubber walled room and wait out this bad streak.  His theory is that we should do enough to bring on bad luck that it will swing the pendulum back the other way.  He thinks we need to get a black cat to cross our path while we are standing under a ladder, breaking a mirror, and spilling salt.  I am a little afraid to push our luck that far but given our luck lately it seems like it might be better than what we are doing.  What do you think?  Should we push our luck or not?

In the meantime, I will continue to pray to God for patience and guidance and I will do my best to find the silver lining even in the toughest situations.  For now, I will be thankful we can find the humor in these situations.

Oh yeah!  I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Party sponsored by 5 Minutes for Mom.  Click on over to visit JenuineJen’s Blog Party.

Make Yourself Into a Cartoon

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This is my first time participating in Make Me Laugh Monday hosted by Jenny at Absolutely Bananas.  Hopefully, this will make you laugh or at least smile.

A light bulb went off in BusyBoy’s head the other day.  He was looking at the cover of a book and realized that each character had a letter above its head (A, B, and C) and that they were holding something that started with the corresponding letter.  He was so excited that he discovered this.  He pointed it out to Mr. Right.  “Look, Daddy.  This bear is holding an apple and he has an A above his head.  Apple starts with A.  This bear is holding a book and he has a B above his head.  Book starts with a B.  And, this bear is holding a car.  Car starts with a C.  They have the same letter above their head of the thing they are holding.”  He was very excited.

Not to be outdone, his twin sister, GigglyGirl, over heard the exchange and piped in, “BusyBoy is acting like he is 5 but he is not 5.  He is only 4.”

I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Party sponsored by 5 Minutes for Mom.  Click on over to visit JenuineJen’s Blog Party.

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This week I have seen several good posts.

Here is a yummy looking, non-vegetarian bacon cup recipe.  It looks so pretty.  This is one Mr. Right and I are sure to try.  You have got to check it out.

Tammy has a delicious looking Cream Cheese Browine.  That would certainly hit the spot right about now.

When I read this funny post about a washcloth to my husband, he almost spit his drink out of his nose.

I cannot believe how rude and self-absorbed some people can be.  Read this recap of one of Kailani’s recent flights back to Hawaii and how rude these two brats were.  While you are there, be sure to check out here giveaway for Mommy Tags jewelry.   

Speaking of giveaways, Contest Blogger is giving away $100 a month every month.  All you have to do to be eligible to win is to post a link to their site on your blog.  Then you are eligible every month – for life.  Pretty cool, eh? 

Finally, I really enjoyed Michelle at Scribbit’s post about the things she misses in Alaska.  It gave me such a sense of what I take for granted living in a metropolitan area compared to other parts of the country.

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I just found this post about a bad hair cut and it is too funny!  I admire Veronica for sharing this story with us so we could laugh with her! 

Jordan at MommaBlogga has a Letter to Mothers in the Waiting Room at the Doctor’s Office.  Luckily, we have not had this experience at our doctor’s office. 

These Sour Cream Pan Biscuits sound really good.  I bet my children would love them and they look easy!!  I think BusyBoy would like the Pretzel Crusted Chicken Fingers MomCooks has posted as well.

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